Saturday, November 10, 2012

TRUTH: Quotes 1

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The Beatles were right, "I get by with a little help from my friends!" Here are just a few quotes that recently came up, or have struck me for my Truth Journey from friends of mine. I hope they help you too! They say three is a charm, so why not give you a lovely three. 

"Is it possible that what you fear is not success but rather the loss of your old identity that believes you cannot be successful?" ~Richard La Rosa

"Gotta love on yourself" ~Tammy Griffith

"You must have patience with miracles. When you wait for them, they will show up, often in disguise, but there nontheless" ~Jennifer Pastiloff 

 Remember "Yea, I tell MYSELF the TRUTH". That's what matters.

With love, 

Writer Yogi, Chelle 

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

TRUTH: Sickness, Joy and Guilt

I took a day off of work yesterday. I woke up, threw up, then my husband put me back to bed. I had work later in the day. How could I afford to miss work? You may be thinking, "Well, that's easy, you're sick." In my case, it wasn't easy.

My Truth Is: I felt guilty for calling off work because I was sick. 

I felt guilty because it's the busiest time of the month at my job and I wasn't there to help out. I felt as though I was letting my co workers down. In reality this comes to, I felt guilty for putting myself first. I chose myself over the job and that did not completely sit well with me. I was supposed to push through. I have gotten sick in the morning and went to work before. Those days were different. I felt okay after.Unlike yesterday.

I was dreading going to work from 12pm -9pm. I was dreading putting my clothes on. My hand shook slightly as I ate some soup. My mind had moments of fogginess. I didn't get out of bed, again, until 2:30pm. For me, who considers sleeping Way In 12pm, this said something. I was exhausted, not well and needed the rest. If this was the case? Why such hard feelings? 

I have come to find, that I am the ring leader in sabotage when it comes to my own happiness and well being. Even the smallest thing like sitting for 5 minutes to clear the mind clutter can be a challenge. Perfectionism gets in the way. I believe having the "right" time and the "right" place to sit for a few minutes are required to clear my head. Perfection isn't real! So why try to strive for it?! I even pride myself on the fact I know I am imperfect, and that coloring outside the lines can be beautiful and freeing. 

The heart and mind are two different entities. The mind shouts it's demands and the heart whispers it's needs. 

The beginning of joy came from the fact I decided to lie on the floor. I decided to take a savasana and see if I could do a body scan. Though the body scan didn't really help me out much, it did give me a moment to think. I gave myself the opportunity to be present and make a decision by asking, "How do I feel? Is it worth going in?"

I could feel the soup moving down my intestines in an uncomfortable way. I remembered the shaky spoon in my hand. I remembered hunching over a trash can. Thoughts of a long 55 hour week at work. Six days in a row. The another six days I was in the middle of. 12pm - 9pm. Did I really want to trudge through the day feeling like this? I remembered the tears the night before. Having to stop writing in my journal being overcome with crying at the thought of three more days in a row. I thought about myself. I should be kind, loving, take care. I chatted briefly with my network in the morning as to why I couldn't make the chat. They reminded me to take care of my health. My husband did as well.

And so I did. Joy.

I called work,feeling guilty, but stood by the fact I was not coming in. I was sorely needed, but so is my health. So is a good state of mind. Joy comes from the fact I made the decision to take care of this body I live in. Though sick, I showered, did my hair and changed into clean house clothes. I took care of the outside a bit, to encourage the inside. I got to write (Oh My Joy!), share my truths and later in the day talk to my network. Joy from seeing my husband walk in the door even though he was not feeling well either. Joy from saying Yes to loving myself.  

The truth is I made the right decision. Though a part of me is biting its finger nails at it. 

What is your truth today? 

Namaste all, 

~Chelle, WY

Monday, November 5, 2012


Starting this month, I begin my 18 month transition to being a full time writer. At the beginning of the year, I made a goal to do anything needed to better myself. I figured it would stop at better health and finding my dream job. It has turned out to be so much more! 

I began to realize what I really needed was TRUTH. Truth and Foundation. What exactly do I mean by "truth"? 

What I am meant to be doing in my life. The truths I find about myself (actions, thoughts etc.). Any truths that arise from yoga, going natural, my relationship with food, and so on. 

One truth a day about life. Truth as in seeking honestly and true purpose.

Living the life meant to be lived. Loving oneself and no longer living lies told by ourselves and others.

I am seeking foundation. One truth a day is one baby step a day to living and Ujjayi Life. Victorious Life. 

There are no set rules about how to go about this. I have set one truth a day so that you know, you only need one a day to begin to change. Looking at the overall picture can be overwhelming and lead to ignoring the present, the now. What is happening TODAY. If you have more than one truth, that's great! A friend of mine said she started a truth list! A great idea.  My truths will be in my journal and of course here. For you to be able to join me in my journey. I want to be open and honest. I want to be free from the lies and fear.

I will tell you the truth, Not All Truth's will be Nice. Some truths you tell may hurt. In that, is where the healing is. You are admitting that this pain is there. You are admitting there is something not quite to your liking. Now you can do something about it! And you do not have to do it alone! I have a network I have become connected with to help me through my truth about my poor relationship with food (which is actually a poor relationship with myself).  Find a network, a friend, pets, family, journal, a higher power. Perhaps all that I have listed are a higher power to you. It is what YOU need.

Also, don't feel like you have to move quickly. Again, one truth a day is a baby step. Sometimes you may have the same truth for a couple days, month, this whole 18 months! Or a truth may come up again after a few weeks or so.  It doesn't matter! Truth, is Truth! Remember that.

In the end, this is a journey about LOVE. Yes love. Loving yourself! Truly, honestly, openly, fearfully, angrily, broken heartedly, and in the end victoriously! 

Whose with me? Who wants to share one truth a day to further your life's journey? Each day I will post to my Facebook and twitter, or this blog. I'll be using the hashtag #MyOneTruth.  Feel free to share your truths with me using this tag on either of these places. Even if you don't share with me, make sure to at least share with yourself! You owe it to yourself to be honest. To live a happy life. This is the only one we have that I am aware of. Even if it's not, why not live many happy lives? What's the point of suffering? 

I can honestly say, things have changed in the most unexpected ways since I have gone on my mission of truth. Finding out about what I really want to do in life, where my fears are, what I have been doing to hold myself back, where I have been living victoriously and not even realizing it! 

I am here with my hand out and open to you. I want you to take it. Not just because I want to hold your hand and help you. I want you to help me too. We are in this together. Connection only makes us stronger. 

My name is Rachelle Alexis Smith Stokes and I vow to TEll MYSELF THE TRUTH. 

Will you? 

Namaste with All The Love,

~Chelle, Writer Yogi 


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