Saturday, January 5, 2013

Did You Breathe Today?

Did you breathe today? Think about it. Have you felt your breath? Lungs? Are you aware of your existence? I want you to take a moment to sit back, close your eyes and take three strong yet calm breaths. I'll do them with you...

Did you do it? I did mine. If so, I bet you felt a difference. Did you realize you had a body, a chest with life energy flowing through it? If you didn't do it, that's okay, thought I hope you'll reconsider.

What is all the breathing about in yoga? Pranayama. Have you heard "If you can breathe you are doing yoga" or a variation of it. For me, it's about living. Waking up the sleeping or reviving the dead. Yes, the dead. There are multiple forms of life and therefore multiple forms of death. As I say, zombie's walk but they're not alive. 

Did you breathe today? Are you living or existing through space? The limbs can be alight by electricity as Frankenstein's poor monster. Or lived in like a child shivering in the sprinklers. Teeth chattering  and still not ready to stop feeling the day's fun. 

So often we walk around a bit numb. This is no judgment. I do it too. Life can go along without our realizing we were there. "Is it Friday already? Where did the week go?" It passed all the same, we just weren't there. 

Did you breathe today?  Cry? Did your body ache from an overdose of joy? I hope so. If not, sit back and take three strong breaths. Life is within you. Let it circulate your blood. 


  1. I will be sure to breathe tomorrow! Thank you for this great reminder!

    1. Always! I need to remind myself often enough!

  2. Excellent to remember to breath. In my home practice I often don't take enough time to just breath.

  3. It's terrible, but I forget to breathe ALL the time. And I'm a yoga teacher! Thanks for the reminder! I look forward to continuing #365yoga with you. :)

    1. No ones perfect. :) So glad to be connected with you too!



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